
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, it brings with it various threats that even AI developers may be unaware of.  CEO of tesla motors, Elon Musk himself has expressed concerns about the dangers of AI, saying it is more dangerous than nuclear bombs. In this blog, we will explore some of the key threats posed by AI and the measures that can be taken to reduce them.

Jobs Displacement

AI carries various potential threats with it. Most of the times, when we talk of dangers from AI we stuck at one issue of job replacement. It is indomitably true that with advancement in AI creative field jobs are at high risk of replacement by AI. Tools such as Adobe Firefly, image enhancers, music generators, Adobe Podcasts, and chat bots like Chat GPT have the potential to replace jobs in these domains. Companies like IBM decided to remove its employees as all the work can now be done easily with the help of AI within seconds. Around 80,000 people lost their jobs due to AI. However, it also creates new opportunities those who learnt to adapt with AI found new employment. As technology evolves, new roles emerge. For example, with development of cars, bullock cart drivers got jobless, but those who learnt to operate cars replaced their jobs.

Intellectual Dependency and misuse of AI

The rapid development of AI raises concerns about intellectual dependency and potential misuse. With AI systems becoming more capable, individuals rely completely on AI to perform cognitive tasks, resulting in a reduced level of independent thinking and decreased IQ levels. This overreliance on AI can hinder personal growth and critical thinking skills. This would prove to be fatal in long run.

Furthermore, AI is being used for malicious purpose. There are thousands of companies which are developing their own AI for different purposes. One year ago, Google's engineer reported some emotions in AI and after that he was fired from his job. Even, a small self- generating robot has been developed that can help to increase future of healthcare. What if someone uses this for immoral purposes? Like back in 2019, when a small virus COVID-19 stopped the country.  It shook the economy and people were forced to be imprisoned in their homes for a long time. There are chances of AI being used for immoral purposes that can completely halt countries development.

Various hackers are stealing data by fake voice and image generator by deceiving the victims to steal personal details. These unethical hackers can then exploit the stolen data for blackmail or other illicit activities. Moreover, there is risk of AI being used to modify and manipulate the media news, important speeches and spread misinformation to public. The misuse of AI poses significant threats to individual privacy, cyber security, and intellectual ability.

China's Threat

China is fastest developing country in technology. Most of its projects are based on research and development. When India started using computers, China started researching on AI. China is investing on AI at a much greater extent. Even it has made AI a CEO of a company so if anything happens one cannot case on AI, thus reducing accountability. There is threat of china excreting our data with AI powered tools and use it for cyber attacks. Additionally, it can develop weather resistant weapons for war. AI may also be used for biological warfare that can affect lives like COVID-19.

How to save it?

To safeguard against the threats posed by AI, there is need to make laws and implement them. Europe has already made a law for safe use of AI and other countries including India should also develop its own laws for its safety from threats. AI developers should see the future threats of AI and bound themselves to its ethical development. This includes implementing security measures, identify vulnerabilities, and prioritizing the protection of user data and privacy. Collaboration between governments, researchers, and industry experts is essential to establish international standards and best practices for AI development.


Undoubtedly, AI is good for country's development but we can't overlook the associated threats. It is crucial to create a balance between AI’s capabilities and preventing its immoral use. AI limited and use it to harness the potential and prevent it from being used immorally. Those who will adapt themselves to AI and think out of the box will only be able to survive in the advancing technology.