Corruption, the biggest evil in country’s development. It acts like a rust on process of development that will one day destroy the country. It is linked to human desire for more of everything without thinking of its source being legal or illegal. Unfortunately, corruption has spread its roots into every section of society be it public or private sector or rich or poor. It comprises of wide range of unethical activities including bribery, nepotism, fraud affecting various sectors ranging from politics to education and laws.

It leads to betterment of a particular groups or individuals by exploiting the needy or poor by illegal means. It was primarily associated with accomplishing tasks that were not legally permissible. However, in present world it is prevalent in every aspects be it legal or illegal, big or small. Sometimes, just to save time people end up spending more for the work that could be done at lower cost. Many greedy people intentionally ask for more money to accomplish the same task. They just fool the public and consequently the right people with less resources face delays in getting their pleas addressed.

It has also spread its roots to Indian politics. Most of the important decisions are influenced by money, hindering the development of the country. In view of citizens, many politicians are corrupt. It involves vote buying, bribing government officials and misuse of power. Many tasks in government offices are driven by corruption. Even the right minded people fall prey to it just to get their work done. It snatches away the opportunity from the deserving and most of the opportunities goes in hand of less talented due to bribery and nepotism. The bollywood industry, political system, education system all runs on corruption. The undeserving candidates get the admission by money power.

The judiciary system of India has also fallen prey to corruption. There has been instances in news where the case has not been in the favor of righteous due to influence of muscle and money power.

Media, the watchdog of our democracy is also trapped in cage of paid news. It reduces transparency, and public trusts. Due to this crime rates and frauds are increasing day by day.

It is destroying country’s development and it is crucial to take an honest step for a better future . It is surely difficult but not impossible. One of the most effective way to reduce corruption is self-commitment. If you are commited to change then you can. It is important to make citizens aware of their rights and duties. It is necessary to promote culture of integrity among students with education and make them aware about effects of corruption and inculcate values to reject corruption. Youths are the future of country and they can create awareness by use of technology through social media platforms.  Active participation of civil society and free and independent media can curb corruption by increasing accountability and transparency. Digital public services delivery and managing databases can enhance transparency. If laws are strictly implemented then it would surely help in reducing corruption.

It’s in our own hand how we choose to work upon it. A great personality once said,’ The major problem is not with the people who do wrong  but with those who think others will stop them.’  Thus be the person who takes step for betterment of country. Let’s strive together to fight against corruption!