
With rapid development of artificial intelligence, Generative AI aims to answer queries of users by using data from machine learning models. Chat bots are designed to mimic human conversation and respond to user in a natural and engaging ways. With use of artificial intelligence and natural language processing techniques many Generative-AI tools are being released of which Chat-GPT and Google Bard are giving edge to edge competition. In this blog we will discuss how both are different from each other.


Chat-GPT is based on GPT which stands for Generative pre-Trained transformer. Chat-GPT owned by open AI launched in November 2022, and now became the internet sensation. It transformed the way humans interact with machines. It is efficient at generating and summarizing texts. Creators relied on their imagination for the content Chat-GPT now assists the creators to enhance the content.


1.  It provides summaries of transcripts, meetings and podcasts, mail drafts.

2.With Chat-GPT we can break complex topics in easy and understandable language.

3. It can edit, add, check our writings and helps to increase our knowledge.

4. It stores previous conversation that helps the users to manage their tasks and even share responses with others.

5. It is efficient at maintaining consistency throughout the conversation and handle threads of conversation.

6. Chat-GPT also offers various plug-ins and integrations with popular sites and apps such as Expedia, intsacart and Zapier.

7. Since GPT-4 models have been trained on massive amounts of internet data, books, websites; it helps in carrying out smooth grammatically correct conversation. 

8. It has a built in plagiarism checker (AI text classifier) 



1. Chat-GPT has been trained till 2021 data and it answers questions based on it. Thus, incapable in capturing latest world events and research.

2. It generates long responses that are difficult to scan. 

3. Responses must be fact-checked to prevent hallucinations or wrong information.

4. The more advanced version of Chat-GPT is not free.

5. Reponses based on ethics and reasoning are information based and do not give feel of human like conversation.

6. Since it does not have real time access of internet articles from webpages need to be copy pasted for summary.

7. It struggles with tasks that require specific knowledge or expertise, such as providing medical diagnoses or advices.

8. It fails in suggesting songs and other creative work and the responses are less human friendly.


Bard is also an AI-powered Chabot that stimulates human conversation with natural language processing and machine learning by extracting responses from internet. Bard owned by Goggle was launched in March, 2023 and now giving cut throat competition. It is based on PaLM (Pathways Language Model) and LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications). 



1. It provides a user friendly interface with bulleted points, images, embedded links and videos.

2. With real time internet access it can research and provide information of latest events.

3. Bard also acts like a personal assistant and helps with tasks such as booking vacations, finding existing reservations and more.

4. It provides brief information and creates more chunk of information.

5. It can easily summarize webpages, books and articles.

6. Responses based on ethics and reasoning are human like responses unlike Chat-GPT.

7. It excels in areas it has been trained and also helps in research and suggestions.

8. It provides fast and relevant responses catering to latest trends. 

9. Bard is completely free of cost for now.


1.  All the resources on internet are not reliable and thus it can be prone to AI hallucinations and can misinterpret information.

2. It doesn't stores previous conversation so the data is lost.

3. Unlike Chat-GPT, it doesn't offer as many plug-ins and integrations.

4. It cannot edit our articles and content and not much efficient in writing.

5. It is trained on specific topics and contexts, which limit its knowledge to specific areas and this, may result in irrelevant responses to certain queries.

6. It is limited to handle more complex problems and maintain consistency though threads of conversation.

7. It doesn’t have any plagiarism checker till date.



Both the chat bots are differently designed and are impressive with their own strength and weaknesses. Ultimately, the choice between Chat-GPT and Bard depends on the type of tasks need to be performed and their specific use. Bard is good for research, whereas Chat-GPT is better at writing and editing. As AI is advancing rapidly, it will be fascinating to see how both Chat-GPT and Bard continue to evolve and improve with new technology. Who knows what the future holds for us and one cannot conclude which is better yet one can choose between the two based on a specific type of task.