Understanding the education system of India is harder than theory of relativity. Education system of India on papers aims to foster new understanding and make students capable of logical thinking and not only mugging up the concept but the harsh reality is that it is completely opposite, the main focus of everyone is just to get good grades, perform well in exams and in this rat race students are bound to limit their knowledge to textbooks and mugging up. The pressure of society and parents expectations ultimately kills the real potential of students and they never try to go beyond the textbooks; except a few. It is not the fault of parents instead the system is designed so that if one doesn't get good grades, he/she won't be able to get into good college which limits students to theoretical knowledge resulting in neither practical experience nor vocational skill which are key skills to be independent. This is one of the main reason for rising unemployment in the nation. 

The new trend of coaching institutes worsens the situation. In order to get good grades students join coaching and end up neglecting what is taught in school, due to which students don't get time for self study and developing other skills. This raises a question, "Why not the system in schools have integrated coaching classes for entrances?" Moreover, many schools don't want the students to prepare for entrances, they just need students to ace board exams and practical exams. Moreover, the reality is practicals in schools are just the formality and students copy the content from one book to another without gaining any knowledge. This results in waste of valuable time. On the other side, boards marks are not important to get into a good college then what's the use of board exams. Though there are many problems in education system there are also some positive aspects also but many schools lack proper implementation. The education ministry and government are taking certain measures to improve the quality of education. In recent years, the education policy was reformed with the aim to include vocational training and to make education universally accessible from primary to secondary level by the year 2030.

However, corruption is the another evil in the education system. Most of the things just happen with money or bribe in any form. The personal motives and money influences many decisions and lack of proper implementation. No one cares about the development of the country and most importantly mental health of youth. At the age, when student undergo different changes in their life and needs someone to understand they face pressure of marks and expectations. This results in increasing suicide rates. As shown in the accompanying graph. Many students at this age are suffering from stress ,anxiety and depressions. As a result, few being involved in misleading activities.  There is nothing wrong in expecting from the child but the parents too should understand and listen to their child. They should focus on improvements and celebrate their efforts and listen to all the problems and not react immediately but after thinking themselves at that place because according to parents that might be wrong but children at this age need support and proper guidance.

 "Prefer a happy child rather than the pressurized one!". 

The schools should provide timely counselling and discussions with teachers. The development of the country majorly depends on youth and quality and system of education decides the future of the country. The root cause of evils such as corruption, unemployment, crimes is the quality of education in India. Proper education should be prime importance for betterment of the country. With the advancement of technology, curriculum needs to be aligned with modern world demands and introduce new methods of teaching and assessment which foster creativity, vocational skills, experiential learning. Critical and analytical thinking and real world applications required for employment. Government should take strict actions for implementation and betterment  of country. It's high time that proper system and implementation takes place and the students learn things that help them grow and not just follow a system of formality.

 In a nutshell, everyone in one way or other is wrong at some point and this change is hard and slow but if every citizen becomes responsible and determine to change then surely some positive change would be there. Hoping that all these things would change in future!